This is brilliant awesome news.
Since I started Podcasting in October 2005 I am proud to announce that I have hit my long term target of 10,040,090 downloads.
This is an incredible feat for a completely independent, unsupported individual like me and I have you, my audience to thank for it.
So I have decided to dedicate my next podcast (or more) to you guys. What I would like you to do, is call in via Skype or by phone and leave me a message which tells me a little about your relationship with the Podcast.
I’m going to take all the answer machine messages and create a podcast (or two) where you the listeners tell the story. You’ll be talking to loyal fans all around the world, I wonder what stories you will all share?
Start with your name, where you are based and then mention how any particular subject or podcast has helped, or effected you in some way. It could even be a simple congratulations, it will all add to the mix.
Or, it could be the last inspirational interview you listened to, or manybe a new technique or piece of gear which you’ve since come to love, maybe news or information or a new destination you have visited. Maybe you have just enjoyed the escapism of listening to my ramblings during long walks.
Whatever these podcasts mean to you, it really is all about you and what you’ve enjoyed.
The message can be 15 seconds or 5 minutes, there’s no limit. The joys of Skype.
I suggest maybe drafting some notes on a bit of paper to get your thoughts in order and then give me a call. You can always do it more than once if you don’t feel it went well. No one is here to judge
Or if you prefer, maybe record a mp3 message on your smart phone or portable recorder and send it directly to my email address, or use the DropBox system and send me the link. (In the picture above)
I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone. You have been the inspiration to keep going when times are tough and the energy is low. 10 Million is one hell of an achievment and if that were Books or CDs I had sold, I would be a Millionaire Rodney lol!!
Thank again and I look forward to hearing all your messages.
Call me now!!
In the podcast I mention the original article from 2004 written by Ben Hammersley for the BBC where he introduced the word Podcast. It’s worth a read.
Hi Bob
I stumbled across your podcast when Adam Curry played your promo on Daily Source Code. I used to listen on a Palm Tungsten PDA while waliking my dog. I have been listening ever since and have picked up a few bargains (and packs of jelly babies, etc) along the way.