There are so many rucksacks in the outdoor market it is hard to find one which floats your boat, but offering all the key features you might like to see.
Fitting a rucksack is an important aspect which many people who are 5’10” never consider, as they are the target market for ‘standard’ rucksack production and don’t understand what those people who are under 5’8′ or over 6’00” struggle with. Finding a bag which suits your back length is vital for long term enjoyment in the hills.
It enables weight carrying to be easy, less stressful on the body and less dangerous when covering steep ground, as you are not having to fight with a lose weight wanting to pull you down to your potential doom.
Nigor is a new name from an old brand Eureka, and they have started to produce a new series of items aimed at the lightweight enthusiast offering quality built, good value gear and well designed outdoor products to meet some of those needs.
The new ZeroG pack is one of those items. Offering two back lengths, each approximately 50lt, and packed with features which might appeal to the long distance hiker. Made from ripstop Dyneema the pack offers a variety of pockets which are placed just where you need them to be. On the hip belt, at the side and best of all a large one at the front.
More information, feedback and customer reports can be found here.