Many walkers, backpackers and outdoors lovers will consider at some stage in their walking careers, a walk in the Pyrenees.
Sandwiches between the south of France and north of Spain, this vast mountain range offers all kinds of experiences to those who wish to give it a try. But where to start, to gain confidence be assured that it isn’t a challenge too far?
Andy Howell of the blog ‘Must Be This Way’ has visited the area many times and every year gets hundreds, if not thousands, of hits on his website and forum on the subject, from people wanting to know more.
Most of the questions relate to building confidence and appreciation that given enough time, the rewards can be theirs. So we thought we would compile a simple video to try and help give new comers to the idea, overcome any fears they might have and start planning.
Please forgive the jerky Skype interview on this our first remote interview. Something to over come next time.
If we get enough feedback and support from people asking questions here and on Andy’s blog, a further more detailed video is standing in the wings ready to be made.
I enjoyed that 🙂
A really good intro into the Pyrenees, certainly whetted my appetite.
great video and production.
really got me excited. If I had a thousand pounds to spend now, it would be on a ticket to the pyrenees and the rest would be spent in your shop.
Great video. I’m writing this from Lourdes in the Pyrenees and I can say its just a great region to visit even if you don’t want to go hillwalking. Utilise the great public transport and explore the region.. The people are so friendly.