Martin Rye is someone probably well known to many in the outdoors social media world, as he is a major contributor to forums, blogs and articles relating to Wild Camping.
He joins me for a lovely evenings walk on the Malvern Hills discussing this, his favourite subject, in much more detail and how he feels his relationship with the outdoors is fundamental to his well being and balanced approach to life.
As you can see from the these photos, he has camped in many places around the UK and advocates a sensible and sensitive approach to the hobby, to ensure that wild camping doesn’t get tarnished with the poor reputation is now has around Loch Lomond in Scotland, where new laws have been introduced to forcibly prevent people from participating in this past time.
During the conversation Martin mentions various links and products which can be found below;
Martin Rye can be found on Social media here;
Thanks for the plug guys.
Great pod cast. Really enjoyed it. So much so I have listened to it many times over. I have even placed an order with Stormin as well. I had been thinking about it for while and this just helped me make decision. Thanks to both of you.
Matt – big thanks for the feedback and glad you liked the podcast. I enjoyed making it with Bob. Enjoy Normans stove. You will love it.
Enjoyed the podcast , great to hear someone in the UK waxing lyrical about spirit stoves. Love your sentiments on Backpacking. I am becoming an anorak on the subject of stoves having made my own ‘Fancee Feest’ type stove from a cat food and pilchards can with carbon wicking .Boils 600ml in six minutes costs next to nothing weighs nothing easy to make. Also made a Stella can windshield works a treat, light as a feather.
Check our Shug Emery’s You Tube Channel he is a wizard with spirit stoves and all things Hammock Camping. Well worth a look he is a genius.
Best wishes, Keep up the great podcasts Bob!
Thanks Nick and will I look those links up.