We continue our discussion with Keith and his book High and Low and during the discussion touch on many deeper aspect of the content and how he dealt with the realisation that depression was the cause of his emotional roller coaster.
We start of discussing his views on food preparation for walks such as the PCT or AT. We discuss if hikers over prepare?
What about finances? Many listeners want to know how people like Keith prepare financially for through hiking. He gives a very honest reply and it will make you wonder about your own pressures.
What about the sacrifice you make for a through-hike. Is the reward worth it?
He opens up about the moment that he had to face the Doctor and admitted that the diagnosis was in fact true. The worst day of his life.
After this moment he had to face many painful home truths. The influence of alcohol and diet and how much this effected his life was one of many things he had to address.
The conclusion of our conversation may surprise you. As you’ll hear there could be changes afoot for Keith and possibly a whole new door opening.
When dealing with emotional baggage, it’s best to pack light.
You can get the book direct from Keith or on the Amazon book store.
One of the best podcasts Bob. VITAL subject (depression), thank you for airing it. Keith’s candour was inspirational.
Many thanks Craig. The more people who understand this happens the better.