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It has been three years since I heard any new Podcasts which really float my boat. There’s been quite a few I’ve gone through which never get past the first 30 seconds. If the audio is rubbish or starts off with heavy metal music and lots of shouting that’s a no-no. If there an almighty intro with a big beefy US voice closely followed by weak thin sounding audio and an equally thin insignificant voice, that’s a no-no too. If the presenter is obviously unsure what they’ve got to say, why they are saying it and who they are saying it to .. well yes, you guessed it. It’s another no-no.

Blimey there is some rubbish out there and sadly many ‘producers’ don’t realise that as important their particular message may be to them, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is important to anyone else. So add this to the inability to record something is a listenable format, then I’m sorry, harsh I may be, but I just have more important things to do with my ears.
Which leaves us the rare and beautiful podcast that ARE around, otherwise known as ‘The Good Stuff’ and this podcast is providing you with a short cut to get there.
In Podcast No 412 I introduced you to The Adventure Sports Podcast and The Tough Girl Podcast
In Podcast No 420 It was the turn of Mountain Podcast and Travel Stories Podcast > NB: He has now moved to @backpackdigital – or here in iTunes
In this Podcast, it is my please to introduce you to three UK producers, all with Broadcast credentials, Liv Bolton from The Outdoors Fix, Andrew White from Walks Around Britain and Ben Sheppard from Why In The World.

Liv Bolton is a digital producer working freelance for the BBC. Womans Hour currently, not many mountaineers there, but she took a sabbatical and travelled to New Zealand to hike the Te Araroa trail. She came back inspired to live a more fulfilling life involving travel and is now producing some excellent adventure stories from real people who are making the outdoors more part of their daily lives.
Find the Outdoors Fix here
Website – Instagram – iTunes – Spotify – PlayerFM

Andrew White has a TV series which is syndicated all over the world entitled Walks Around Britain and he’s extended some of the content from that into longer audio podcasts. Interviews that there just isn’t time to encapsulated within a 30 minute TV show. It’s a great idea as once the cameras are off, the subject really opens up about their particular topic and makes for great general listening.
Find Walks Around Britain here
Website – iTunes – Google Podcasts – Stitcher – Player FM – Spotify – Castbox – Dezzer – Radio Republic

Ben Sheppard is an enthusiastic endurance athlete who also happens to be a local radio presenter., Combining both interests has allowed him to talk with guests who share his interest to taking thing to the next level and pushing yourself to longer or faster journeys. Equally unknown guests, but fascinating conversations all the same.
Find Why In The World here
iTunes – Acast – Spotify – Instagram – Twitter
All the links to these producers can be found above. Please check them out, tell them I sent you and enjoy a wealth of similar content similar in style and quality you have become used to on The Outdoors Station.
I’m confident you won’t be disappointed.