Live Streams start next week 6th April
Next week we start our new series of Live Streams at 7pm each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Not only can you tune and view these on Facebook and Youtube, but you can also interact with the program and ask questions using the chat facility.
Monday 7pm we kick off with Russ Hepton @the_trailhunter who has just returned from the PCT where after 3 years of attempting to start it, he has now been thwarted by Covid-19.
Wednesday at 7pm we touch on Mental Health issues with specialist Eli Bishop @to_outdoors_and_beyond about coping strategies and dealing with enforced isolation, which is effecting some more than others.
Finally on Friday at 7pm we get will be looking at dehydrators from a first timer perspective. Showing them close up and answering whatever questions we can about how to use them and get the best from them.
I have also now set up a 30 second video review folder for you to record a comment on your experience with dehydrators, the benefits, costs savings and favourite trail foods. Just record and upload and I will include the best in the program.
Get all the links from the website and select how and where you want to view this, either on the big screen, your smart device or phone. The replays will be there for later if you miss the live session.
Do come along and join in, after all there’s not much else on TV for us enthusiasts is there?
To add a review video to the folder you will need a Gmail, Youtube or other Google type account.