For those who enjoy the freedom and rights to walk in or on our National Parks, Footpaths and rural byways in fact anywhere which is recognised as a national Right Of Way you are probably unaware of the historic nature of how this came into being following the Kinder Scout Trespass of 1932.

Kinder Scout was a turning point in outdoor history. Without it we would be excluded from all wild places which would be fenced off and under strict private control of landowners through the UK.

Currently access to the inland waterways in the UK is restricted to 4%. Imagine if we only had access to 4% of the the land and parks and open places we take for granted. We would be outraged and yet the water based enthusiasts have to accept this, or do they?

There is currently a campaign gaining momentum for all water based enthusiasts, paddlers, wild swimmers, SUP users to gain Clear Access Clear Waters and work in harmony with other respective organisations to find a path through this confusing legislation.

The waterways are no different to our other land based highways. Everyone from walkers to lorry drivers have to work with all the other users to maximise use and pleasure and functionality from the highways. Be it walkers, cyclists, equestrian, motorbikes, cars through to heavy goods vehicles.

This interview is with Ben Seal, Places To Paddle Manager at British Canoeing who are a main instigator in this campaign for all water enthusiasts. if you feel strongly about what you hear place sign the petition and support their efforts.