Well yes, it has been a long time coming, however I am determined to get back into the Podcast seat and start afresh producing useful, stimulating and interesting content for the outdoors lovers around the world.
No matter where you turn these days one is bombarded with endless gear reviews, which I think have taken the place of the dusty old days of visiting your local outdoors retailer and having a mooch through the display racks dreaming of shiny new kit.
No one seems to be buying magazines these days, everything is internet based, however the one area which is poorly served I’ve noticed is ‘news’. Not necessarily news about new kit, but news relating to environment, outdoor activities and initiatives which may be of interest to all types of outdoors user.
So I’ve put together a series of short news clips which might be of interest and these cover, forthcoming events, sustainability, electric mountain bikes, gear repair services and a European competition to win free stuff.
Do have a listen or watch and drop any feedback in the comments below.
Show contents;
Fjallraven Classic – https://classic.fjallraven.com/
E-Bike Snowdonia – https://pyb.co.uk/bike/
Rab Second Stitch Campaign – https://www.theoia.co.uk/news/rab-launches-second-stitch-repair-service-on-a-global-level/
Equipment Repair Centres _ https://www.theoia.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/OIA-Repair-Centre_Final.pdf
Scandinavian Outdoor Group Magazine – https://issuu.com/scandinavianoutdoorgroup/docs/son_2201
Berghaus Repairhaus – https://www.berghaus.com/repairs.list
Its Great Out There Competition – https://itsgreatoutthere.com/news-stories/takesomeoneoutdoors/
#takesomeoneoutdoors #beactive #itsgreatoutthere